Another point of view of ourselves.

Another point of view of ourselves. Another way to listen.

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Drop off and Pick up times

I ´ve done my little experiment in two differents schools and high schools. Public Primary Schools and High schools and Private Primary Schools and private High Schools next to my house and very close between themselves.
Although they are very close, their values are very different and their students are very different too. As you can imagine the student´s parents are also different, of course.
For example: Early in the morning, private school students come to school by car with their parents, while public schools students come to school walking and without their parents. (Children over 12 years old)
I think it could be for two main reasons:
- Parents who carry on their children to school early in the morning don´t work because they don´t need it.
- Parents who carry on their children to school have jobs where they can arrive later.
I don´t really know very well, it is only a personal idea. Perhaps it could be a new aim for a future research.

Out of public school, normally there is a crowd of children and teens speaking among themselves, and playing before the bell rings. In contrast, private schools students are usually in the playground waiting for the sound of the bell.
I imagine the timetables should be similar between themselves, but I think that the serious difference of values between the two kind of schools are in the method of education and in the family values.

At Pick up time, something similar often happens but in differents times, because the school hour is also different.
In private schools´s door there are a lot of cars, and many of them, are usually large cars. I don´t know why this kind of cars has become fashionable cars. But it is real. At least where I live.

The conversations between parents are similars in both kind of schools, but it depends on their social class. The social class are usually different, but not always.

Children under 12 years old, normally go with their parents in both cases, public and private school, and the conversation between parents and sons or daughters are usaully very similar.
-What about your classes? What have you done today? What about your marks? Are you hungry?
-Oh, you have broken your trousers playing football again, haven´t you?... whatever...have you won??

But teens are different. They begin to have a role, in their high schools and in their homes, and they ask for freedom. Normally this 'freedom' is not given in upper middle class earlier than in working class.
Perhaps beacuse upper middle class parents want to have their children protected for a long time. But it isn´t natural.

jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

Stanford Prison Experiment

From my point of view, I think that Stanford prison Experiment was a very good experiment.
It is Sad, but is real. We need experiments like these to realize who we are actually.
Someone, or a group can change your point of view about whatever.
An example could be a worker´s strike.
You can be for or against the strike, but, your workmates or your own family may be more important than you expected to decide about your OWN decisions.
In your peer group, you can experiment this kind of pressure too. From something stupid like the clothes you wear to... `What do I do today??´
At Stanford Prison Experiment everybody, inside the experiment, are in the same peer group before the experiment begun. And the roles were the factor which changed everything.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

My peer group

My peer group is based on trust.
We function like a music group.
In a music group, everybody has a role. Everybody is important, and their work is so important too.
But, in a music band, one of its member can be missed in their rehearses one day, two days, but no more. Because if he or she isn´t, the group doesn´t grow up. Each part is essential.

We are like a band. We are together since we were at high school. One day, if we go out or something like that, perhaps, we aren´t all of us, and we realise of it. 

Actually we are in the same social class, and we have the same values about ourselves like a peer group.
But, like in a rock band, someone has to write the songs. It could say that each day or each weekend, someone of us write this songs wich then we´ll play.

We have conflicts as the most peer groups in the world, and we always try to solve together. Is impossible that it always was on that way. But anyway, this where we see that we are a group.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Social Networks

On my last travel to the planet Earth I´ve seen that people need to be connected, related between each other but without see each other... and I don´t understand it.
They spend many hours in front of their computers and they are `spending their lifes´.

Why social networks are? Why people need them?